Sunday, 26 January 2020

Let's Make A Fresh Start: 2020 Edition

I love fresh starts and always find the New Year gives me more motivation to be a better version of myself. 

Throughout 2019 I learnt many different things about myself whether it was at work, at home or just about me as a person.  In all honesty, 2019 had a mix of emotions. I achieved my goals of buying my own car and gaining a new job but struggled to find myself and the direction I want to go in. My boyfriend's hard work kept paying off and he moved up in his job every single day, but this means that we can go weeks without seeing each other (I'm still super proud of him everyday). I struggled to figure out where I wanted to go in life and to be honest, I'm still not there yet but 2020 has given me more motivation than ever to find the answers to my questions. I have set myself goals to achieve by the end of the year but also promises to myself which will hopefully make this year kick last year's ass.

No. 1: Plan, Prepare and Perfect.
I'm naturally a very organised person. I like to make lists, I like to know what I'm doing and I like to have everything in a set place. This year, I want to give myself plenty of time to prepare and perfect everything that I do. Whether it is a blog post where I spend time planning out each paragraph and photos I want to add or buying birthday presents in advance rather than rushing out a the last minute. One of my flaws of 2019 was not being as organised as I'd like to have been. I found myself running into town the day before someone's birthday and buying their present and then panicking because I couldn't find any wrapping paper (which resulted in late night trips to Tesco). I want to utilise my resources this year, and that means actually using that box full of notebooks that I've bought because they're pretty (I know I'm not the only one!) As well as my diary and notebooks, I want make the most of my spare time. No more lazing around thinking about what I could get done and actually doing it. Making the most of my days off by planning my weeks and getting ahead of the game.

No. 2: Be Realistic.
Throughout 2019, I thought I was capable of doing 3 blog posts a week, 4 gym sessions and 5 full days at work. The honest truth is that this is not the case. I'm not saying I'm not capable of doing all of that, but I need to be more realistic. Every time I planned to write 3 blog posts for one week, I ended up writing one. I would pencil in when I would like to go to the gym but realistically that never happened. Don't get me wrong, having a plan set in place is one way that does motivate me, but planning too much can become quite overwhelming. This year, I need to be more realistic with my time but also reassure myself that it's okay to cut down what I am doing to make it more manageable! By taking lessons from myself, I am not going to get 3 blog posts up in a week, but I will cut it down slightly and aim for 2! I also want to be realistic with my money and budget myself depending on what events or appointments I have on. For me, 2020 is the year to be wiser in my decisions!

No. 3: Be Ruthless
This is an interesting one. This year I am making a promise with myself to be strict when it comes to money. No more pointless buying. I want to use the clothes that I have in my wardrobe rather than always buying a new outfit. I WANT TO BE AN OUTFIT REPEATER! I am trying to also use up beauty products that I currently have in my cupboard rather than buying a load and never using them. This year is the year where I save up for necessities and so far so good! I also need to be ruthless with myself. You know the saying, shy bairns get nowt. It's time to start speaking up for myself and stop shying away when I'm worried about what the outcome may be. Shy bairns literally get nowt if you stay quiet.

No. 4: Take care of my mind and body.
Every year I always make resolutions to drink more water, look after my skin, eat healthily and exercise more. It's safe to say, this year is no different. I noticed towards the end of last year how important it is to take care of our skin. I always get myself into a proper skincare routine and within weeks I give up. This year I've decided to educate myself on the importance of different products and how to properly take care of different areas of my skin. It's safe to say, my skin has massively improved and I now love not wearing any make up! As well as a skincare routine, I have made a conscious effort of drinking more water. Whenever I'm at work I always forget to drink water and by the end of the day I feel lethargic and downright crappy. It's important to stay hydrated not only for your health but for your skin and mind as well.  

So that's my 2020 fresh start! I'm looking forward to what 2020 brings and would love to hear all of your goals and ambitions which you plan to achieve this year!

Charlotte xxx
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